3 Solutions to Fix Google Drive Processing Video Error - MiniTool MovieMaker (2024)

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  • 3 Solutions to Fix Google Drive Processing Video Error

By Zoe |Last Updated


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Have you ever encountered this error “We’re processing this video. Please check back later.”? If yes, then you should take a look at this post. In this post, you will know3 solutions to fix the Google Drive processing video error.

Nowadays, people increasingly choose using cloud storage services like Google Drive instead of external hard drives to store their videos (Try MiniTool MovieMaker to make a video). On the one hand, they can save much storage space on computers and phones. On the other hand, they can play or download videos across devices anytime anywhere.

Related article: How to Upload a Video to Google Drive

However, when you try to play or download the uploaded video in Google Drive, you may get this message “We’re processing this video. Please check back later”.

3 Solutions to Fix Google Drive Processing Video Error - MiniTool MovieMaker (1)

So how long does it take Google drive to process a video? Why Google Drive videos stuck in processing state? How to fix Google Drive processing video error? Keep reading and you’ll get the answer.

How Long Does It Take Google Drive to Process a Video

I’ve uploaded videos of the same format before and haven’t run into this. I’m uploading the videos through Chrome on my desktop. How much time is needed for the videos to process?https://support.google.com/photos/thread/66336?hl=en

How long does it take Google Drive to process a video? The answer is not clear. Usually, the processing time on Google Drive depends on three main factors: video file size, network speed, and the device you’re using.

If you want to make the process run faster, you can reduce video file size and increase the internet speed before uploading a video to Google Drive.

Why Does Google Drive Processing Video Error Occur

Google Drive video cannot be played, it’s saying that “We’re processing this video. Please check back later.” Why my videos on Google Drive stuck in processing state?

Here’re the reasons:

  1. The uploaded video file size is too large.
  2. The internet speed is slow.
  3. The version of the browser is out of date.
  4. Corrupted cache in the browser.
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How to Fix Google Drive Processing Video Error

As you know the reasons why Google Drive videos stuck as processing. Let’s see how to fix this error with3 solutions.

3Solutions to Fix Google Drive Processing Video Error

  1. Update the browser
  2. Clear browsing data
  3. Download video from Google Drive

Fix 1. Update the Browser

Whether you are using Google Chrome or other browsers, you need to update the browser to the latest version. Then check if the Google Drive processing video error exists or not.

Fix 2. Clear Browsing Data

Another solution for fixing the error is to clear browsing data. Take Google Chrome as an example:

  1. Open Google Chrome.
  2. Click on the three dots > Settings.
  3. Find Privacy and security and choose Clear browsing data.
  4. Then select the time rang and press on Clear data to clear browsing data.
  5. After that, reopen the browser.

Fix 3. Download processing video from Google Drive

If you want to download the uploaded video from Google Drive, but the video is stuck in the processing state. Here’s a solution.

  1. Go to Google Drive and select the processing video that you want to download.
  2. Click on Share > Create a link.
  3. Copy and paste the link in a new tab.
  4. When the video appears, tap on the three dots icon and download it.

Tip:Upload video to Other Platforms

If the above-mentioned solutions are not working, here’s a tip – upload the processing video to other platforms. To do so, you can enjoy the processing video on another platform like OneDrive, Dropbox, and YouTube.

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That’s all information about Google Drive processing video error. Now, try the above-mentioned solutions and fix this Google Drive error.

About The Author


Position: Columnist

Zoe works as editor at MiniTool for many years, writing articles about video editing skills. She has published hundreds of articles about video editing, video conversion, video downloading, audio editing and photo editing. She also writes some articles about YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. During her spare time, Zoe loves reading, traveling, skating, watching movies, musicals and plays. Her favorite musicals include The Phantom of the Opera, Hamilton and Le Rouge et le Noir.

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3 Solutions to Fix Google Drive Processing Video Error - MiniTool MovieMaker (2024)


3 Solutions to Fix Google Drive Processing Video Error - MiniTool MovieMaker? ›

Users are confused, wondering "How long does it take to process a video on Google Drive?". Google Drive has no specific timing or rules for processing videos. It can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours to process a video for preview in Google Drive. In some cases, it may even take a few days.

How to fix Google Drive processing video? ›

Google Drive Video Still Processing Takes Forever [Issue Fixed]
  1. Fix 1. Check Your Internet Connection.
  2. Fix 2. Log in to Your Google Account Again.
  3. FIX 3. Downloading Browser Update.
  4. Fix 4. Clear Cache Files & Data.
Mar 15, 2024

How long does it take for a 3 minute video to process on Google Drive? ›

Users are confused, wondering "How long does it take to process a video on Google Drive?". Google Drive has no specific timing or rules for processing videos. It can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours to process a video for preview in Google Drive. In some cases, it may even take a few days.

How to fix Google Drive problem with files? ›

Clear your browser cache and cookies and then try to load your Drive files again. You can put large files in Drive, but if you exceed the size limits, they might not load properly. If your file is too big or close to the limit, divide the information into more than one file.

Why is Google Drive failing to upload video? ›

If Google Drive is full, it will cause the “Google Drive upload failure” issue. Therefore, you can check how much storage is left. If it is not sufficient, you can choose to upgrade your Google Drive account. Now, you can check your Google Drive storage on the web, or by Drive for Desktop.

Why is my video unsupported on Google Drive? ›

This can occur due to various reasons, such as: Incompatible Formats: Some file formats are not supported by Google Drive. File Corruption: Files that are damaged or corrupted may appear as unsupported. File Size Limit: Google Drive has a limit on file sizes, and files exceeding this limit may be unsupported.

What is the longest video you can upload to Google Drive? ›

In fact, there is no size restriction for Google Drive video upload. But for all individual users, the max file size that can be uploaded per day is 750 GB. Also depending on how much storage your account has, you may upload as big a video as your storage size.

Why does it take so long to download a video from Google Drive? ›

For example, excessive browser cache data can encumber the download speed of Google Drive. In this way, you can follow the steps to clear the cache data and fix the Google Drive slow for downloading.

How do I clear the cache in Google Drive? ›

Clearing Google Drive's Cache on Android
  1. Open the Google Drive app on your phone and, if necessary, log into an account.
  2. Tap the burger menu button and choose Settings.
  3. Scroll down until you find the Clear Cache option, and tap it.
  4. Confirm that you want to clear the cache.
Jun 15, 2024

How to make video processing faster? ›

To speed up processing, consider turning off the reverse option. Higher resolution videos offer excellent quality but also require significant processing power. If you're willing to sacrifice a little on the video quality for the sake of faster processing, try reducing the video resolution.

How do I fix my Google Drive video? ›

  1. Clear cache and cookies from the browser.
  2. Try in a incognito window. Please note that if the user just uploaded the video, you will have to wait until Google Drive renders the video to the proper resolution,
  3. Check if the network connectivity allows for the video to stream at the proper resolution.
Jan 22, 2024

Why Google Drive error? ›

Check your Internet connection if you receive the error notice "Trying to connect" or if Drive for the web is taking a long time to load your documents. A weak connection frequently causes many connection errors. Try connecting to a different network to see if your files load properly.

Why is my video not downloading from Google Drive? ›

Go to Privacy & Security

Chances are, if you suddenly can't download files from Google Drive, something was changed in your Privacy & Security settings. For me, I configured my browser to block third-party cookies. If you did the same thing, you can (and should) keep blocking those third-party cookies.

How do I fix Google Drive video not playing? ›

  1. Clear cache and cookies from the browser.
  2. Try in a incognito window. Please note that if the user just uploaded the video, you will have to wait until Google Drive renders the video to the proper resolution,
  3. Check if the network connectivity allows for the video to stream at the proper resolution.
Jan 22, 2024

Why is my Google Drive video buffering? ›

A poor internet connection is the most common cause of a video on Google Drive constantly buffering. Restart your router or troubleshoot your network to get a better internet connection. Other things you can try include clearing your browser cache or updating it.

How long does Google Photos process a video? ›

When saving footage to Google Photos, the footage is initially uploaded in low resolution and then being rendered to high quality. This process can take a few minutes and can also be up to a couple of hours (depending on the size of the footage) and is mainly common when uploading video clips.

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Author: Manual Maggio

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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

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Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.