Ebike Tax Credit? How It Works? (2024)

What is the newest 2023 Ebike Act in the US?

If you are an electric bike enthusiast, you are probably familiar with the 2023 Ebike Act. If not, here's the deal: the latest act called the Kickstart for Environment Act establishes a tax credit that offers 30% coverage every time you buy an electric bike. If you have recently purchased an electric bike worth $4000 or less, you might be eligible for a $1500 ebike rebate or a whopping discount of 30% whichever is cheaper. Again, if two members of your family have purchased an electric bike you would qualify for a joint return on taxes and also get a credit of $900 for every individual. This, however, only applies if you earn $75000 or less annually and have a joint income of $150,000. You are eligible for this credit up to once in three years.

Ebike Tax Credit? How It Works? (1)

What kinds of e-bikes are qualified for tax credits?

At this point, you are probably wondering what type of e-bikes qualify for an ebike tax credit in the first place. In this section, we will discuss all that and more. For an e-bike to be eligible for the tax credit, the bike needs to have a solid motor with a capacity of fewer than 750 watts. The bike also needs to be either class 1, class 2, or class 3 and it should come with pedals that help propel it. Finally, the bike also needs to have the capacity of accommodating one person.

It goes without mentioning that you need to be a taxpayer in the United States to qualify for the program. Additionally, your bike needs to be a newly purchased one. Leased or second-hand electric bikes do not qualify for the program.

Who is qualified for the e-bike tax credit program?

So, you now know what type of e-bike qualifies for the latest tax credit ebike program launched by Biden. But who qualifies for this program? Do people from specific income brackets qualify for this program? Let's find out.

First, as you already know, you will qualify for a 30% rebate on taxes if you get an e-bike that costs less than $4000. Additionally, you also need to have a salary under $75000 if you are filing individually or $150000 if you are filing a joint tax petition. In either of these scenarios, you qualify for a tax credit of $900 against every e-bike.

Over time, the credit will phase out for people with higher incomes. So, this is an excellent opportunity to bring in low-income holders who have time and again been deprived of several green benefits in the past. Even though the original bill proposed to offer refunds of $9000, this isn't quite a bad rebate which is why the bill has finally passed. The bill also comes with certain pre-tax benefits. For instance, the previous pre-tax rebate on e-bikes was $20 which has been increased to a whopping $81 every month. Most of these pre-taxation rebates are geared to address the high costs of owning a bike. For instance, if you are a member of a credible e-bike-sharing facility, you can easily use these rebates.

How much tax credit would I get from the e-bike tax credit?

At this point, you probably know how much ebike tax credit 2023 you can qualify for thanks to the e-bike tax credit. Regardless, here's a quick refresher. You will get credits of $1500 or 30% of your bike's cost if the said bike is within or under $4000. You will also qualify for additional benefits ranging up to $900 for every individual with an e-bike if your annual salary is 75,000 or less. The best part: the new e-bike tax credit also opens up some pre-tax credits of up to $81 for every e-bike. You will also qualify for a joint rebate if your annual income with the joint filer is $150000 or less. Overall, the program is excellent for new e-bike owners and if you do not have an e-bike and are planning to get one, now is the time.

Can I use the e-bike tax credit to buy a conversion kit?

Yes, as per the new e-bike tax credit act, you can use your ebike tax credit to purchase a new conversion kit. For instance, if you are in selected areas of Vermont you qualify for a $200 discount on a new e-bike or any e-bike conversion kit. Alternatively, if you are from the Northeastern or Central parts of Vermont, the rebate is $100 for your e-bike conversion kit.

In Healdsburg, you get $50 for every e-bike conversion kit and in Contra Costa County the rebate is $150 for every tax-paying adult. You can also qualify for a $200 rebate on conversion kits if you belong to the following counties:

  • Glenwood Springs
  • Pitkin
  • Eagle
  • Garfield
  • Mesa
  • Gunnison

So, the answer to your question of whether you can use your tax credit from e-bikes to purchase a conversion kit is a resounding yes. You just need to belong to some specific areas to qualify for the rebates. As you have probably noticed at this stage your rebate amount can be a whopping $250 depending on your location. Additionally, you also need to purchase the bike from a store that participates in this program.

Bottom Line

Now that you know who qualifies for the new e-bike tax credit, fret no further and get your new bike right away. All you need to do is ensure that your bike meets the mentioned criterion, so you qualify for the credit. Right now, you will find multiple e-bikes fitting into the category, so your options are practically unlimited. Just explore e-bikes under $4000 with a capacity of fewer than 750 watts and you are good to go.

With the right e-bike, you are open to multiple possibilities. You can explore back-country trails and all of those hunting areas that aren't the most convenient to reach. You will barely find a type of terrain that your e-bike wouldn't manage to support. Thanks to e-bikes you can do just as much and explore as a conventional bike. The best part: you get a tax credit and also pave the way for sustainable living.

Ebike Tax Credit? How It Works? (2024)
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