How the Periodic Table of the Elements is arranged (2024)

How the Periodic Table of the Elements is arranged (1)

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Scientists had a rudimentary understanding of the periodic table of the elements centuries ago. But in the late 19th century, Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev published his first attempt at grouping chemical elements according to their atomic weights. There were only about 60 elements known at the time, but Mendeleev realized that when the elements were organized by weight, certain types of elements occurred in regular intervals, or periods.

Today, 150 years later, chemists officially recognize 118 elements (after the addition offour newcomers in 2016) and still use Mendeleev's periodic table of elements to organize them. The table starts with the simplest atom, hydrogen, and then organizes the rest of the elements by atomic number, which is the number of protons each contains. With a handful of exceptions, the order of the elements corresponds with the increasing mass of each atom.

The table has seven rows and 18 columns. Each row represents one period; the period number of an element indicates how many of its energy levels house electrons. Sodium, for instance, sits in the third period, which means a sodium atom typically has electrons in the first three energy levels. Moving down the table, periods are longer because it takes more electrons to fill the larger and more complex outer levels.

The columns of the table represent groups, or families, of elements. The elements in a group often look and behave similarly, because they have the same number of electrons in their outermost shell — the face they show to the world. Group 18 elements, on the far right side of the table, for example, have completely full outer shells and rarely participate in chemical reactions.

Elements are typically classified as either a metal or nonmetal, but the dividing line between the two is fuzzy. Metal elements are usually good conductors of electricity and heat. The subgroups within the metals are based on the similar characteristics and chemical properties of these collections. Our description of the periodic table uses commonly accepted groupings of elements, according to the Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Groups of the Periodic table

Alkali metals: The alkali metals make up most of Group 1, the table's first column. Shiny and soft enough to cut with a knife, these metals start withlithium (Li) and end withfrancium (Fr). They are also extremely reactive and willburst into flame or even explode on contact with water, so chemists store them in oils or inert gases. Hydrogen, with its single electron, also lives in Group 1, but the gas is considered a nonmetal.

Alkaline-earth metals: The alkaline-earth metals make up Group 2 of the periodic table, fromberyllium (Be) throughradium (Ra). Each of these elements has two electrons in its outermost energy level, which makes the alkaline earths reactive enough that they're rarely found alone in nature. But they're not as reactive as the alkali metals. Their chemical reactions typically occur more slowly and produce less heat compared to the alkali metals.

Lanthanides: The third group is much too long to fit into the third column, so it is broken out and flipped sideways to become the top row of the island that floats at the bottom of the table. This is the lanthanides, elements 57 through 71 —lanthanum (La) tolutetium (Lu). The elements in this group have a silvery white color and tarnish on contact with air.

Actinides: The actinides line the bottom row of the island and comprise elements 89,actinium (Ac), through 103,lawrencium (Lr). Of these elements, onlythorium (Th) anduranium (U) occur naturally on Earth in substantial amounts. All are radioactive. The actinides and the lanthanides together form a group called the inner transition metals.

Transition metals: Returning to the main body of the table, the remainder of Groups 3 through 12 represent the rest of the transition metals. Hard but malleable, shiny, and possessing good conductivity, these elements are what you typically think of when you hear the word metal. Many of the greatest hits of the metal world — including gold, silver, iron and platinum — live here.

Post-transition metals: Ahead of the jump into the nonmetal world, shared characteristics aren't neatly divided along vertical group lines. The post-transition metals arealuminum (Al),gallium (Ga),indium (In),thallium (Tl),tin (Sn),lead (Pb) andbismuth (Bi), and they span Group 13 to Group 17. These elements have some of the classic characteristics of the transition metals, but they tend to be softer and conduct more poorly than other transition metals. Many periodic tables will feature a bolded "staircase" line below the diagonal connecting boron with astatine. The post-transition metals cluster to the lower left of this line.

Metalloids: The metalloids areboron (B),silicon (Si),germanium (Ge),arsenic (As),antimony (Sb),tellurium (Te) andpolonium (Po). They form the staircase that represents the gradual transition from metals to nonmetals. These elements sometimes behave as semiconductors (B, Si, Ge) rather than as conductors. Metalloids are also called "semimetals" or "poor metals."

Nonmetals: Everything else to the upper right of the staircase — plushydrogen (H), stranded way back in Group 1 — is a nonmetal. These includecarbon (C),nitrogen (N),phosphorus (P),oxygen (O),sulfur (S) andselenium (Se).

Halogens: The top four elements of Group 17, fromfluorine (F) throughastatine (At), represent one of two subsets of the nonmetals. The halogens arequite chemically reactive and tend to pair up with alkali metals to produce various types of salt. The table salt in your kitchen, for example, is a marriage between the alkali metal sodium and the halogen chlorine.

Noble gases: Colorless, odorless and almost completely nonreactive, the inert, or noble gases round out the table in Group 18. Many chemists expect oganesson (previously designated "ununoctium"), one of the four newly named elements, to share these characteristics; however, because this element has a half-life measuring in the milliseconds, no one has been able to test it directly. Oganesson completes the seventh period of the periodic table, so if anyone manages to synthesize element 119 (andthe race to do so is already underway), it will loop around to start row eight in the alkali metal column.

Because of the cyclical nature created by the periodicity that gives the table its name, some chemists prefer to visualizeMendeleev's table as a circle.

Additional resources:

  • Watch this brief video about the periodic table and element groups, from Crash Course.
  • Flip through this interactive periodic table of elements at
  • Check out this free, online educational resource for understanding elemental groups from CK-12.

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How the Periodic Table of the Elements is arranged (3)

Charlie Wood


Charlie Wood is a staff writer at Quanta Magazine, where he covers physics both on and off the planet. In addition to Live Science, his work has also appeared inPopular Science,Scientific American,The Christian Science Monitor,and other publications. Previously, he taught physics and English in Mozambique and Japan, and he holds an undergraduate degree in physics from Brown University.


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How the Periodic Table of the Elements is arranged (2024)


How the Periodic Table of the Elements is arranged? ›

The chemical elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number. The horizontal rows are called periods and the vertical columns are called groups. Elements in the same group have similar chemical properties. This is because they have the same number of outer electrons and the same valency.

How do you organize the order of elements in the periodic table? ›

The modern periodic table has more than 100 elements, and organizes the elements by atomic number. Because elements are arranged by atomic number, elements with similar properties are located in the same column. Therefore, the properties of the elements on the periodic table repeat at regular intervals.

How are elements arranged on the periodic table quizlet? ›

In the modern periodic table, elements are arranged by increasing atomic number (number of protons).

How are elements classified in the periodic table? ›

Elements are classified into different groups based on their atomic number or in other words, by the number of electrons in their atomic structure. This is the basis of if an element is a metal or something else.

What determines the horizontal arrangement of the periodic table? ›

The elements in the Periodic Table are arranged according to increasing atomic number. As you go horizontally from left to right across a Period in the Periodic Table, you are adding one more proton to the nucleus (increasing the atomic number by one).

How is a periodic table arranged? ›

Elements in the periodic table are arranged in order of increasing atomic (proton) number. Elements with the same number of electron shells are arranged in the horizontal rows (periods), and elements with similar properties are arranged in vertical columns (groups).

How do you arrange elements in order? ›

In a periodic table arranged in order of increasing atomic number, elements having similar chemical properties naturally line up in the same column (group).

How do you explain the periodic table? ›

What is the periodic table? The periodic table is a tabular array of the chemical elements organized by atomic number, from the element with the lowest atomic number, hydrogen, to the element with the highest atomic number, oganesson.

How is the periodic table grouped? ›

The s-, p-, and d-block elements of the periodic table are arranged into 18 numbered columns, or groups. The elements in each group have the same number of valence electrons. As a result, elements in the same group often display similar properties and reactivity.

What is the layout of the periodic table? ›

How is the Periodic Table arranged? The periodic table is arranged by atomic weight and valence electrons. These variables allowed Mendeleev to place each element in a certain row (called a period) and column (called a group). The table comprises seven rows and 18 columns.

What determines the order of the periodic table? ›

Elements in the periodic table are arranged by increasing atomic number (number of protons). Atomic number of elements steadily increases across a period (horizontal rows of the periodic table).

What is the basis for arranging the elements in the periodic table? ›

The modern periodic table lists the elements in order of increasing atomic number (the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom). Historically, however, relative atomic masses were used by scientists trying to organise the elements.

How to learn 118 elements easily? ›

Memorization Strategies
  1. Break down the table into sections. ...
  2. Spread out the memorization process. ...
  3. Learn the elements in a song. ...
  4. Make nonsense words made from element symbols. ...
  5. Use color to learn element groups. ...
  6. Use a mnemonic device to help remember the order of the elements.

How is the order of the elements on the periodic table determined? ›

Explanation: The elements in the modern periodic table are arranged in order of their atomic numbers, which is the number of protons in the nuclei of the atoms of an element. Each element has a unique atomic number. The atomic numbers are also whole numbers.

What is the correct arrangement of the elements in the periodic table? ›

All the elements of the periodic table are arranged in order of increasing atomic (proton) number. The table was named the periodic table because similar properties occur at regular intervals. Elements with similar properties are in columns called groups. Elements to the left of this line are metals.

What method is used to organize the periodic table? ›

The modern periodic table lists the elements in order of increasing atomic number (the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom). Historically, however, relative atomic masses were used by scientists trying to organise the elements.

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