Is It Illegal To Back Out Of A Driveway [Multiple States] (2024)

Many of us have the experience of hurriedly backing out of a driveway only to see oncoming traffic a little too late. Those close calls can be scary, but are they illegal?

In the United States and most of Canada, there are no traffic laws that specifically prohibit backing out of a driveway. Ontario, Canada does have laws against backing onto highways with a divided median. Legality aside, reversing out of the driveway does make you the responsible party if an accident results.

Before backing out and assuming traffic will wait on you, be aware that the responsibility is on the reversing driver to do so safely. Read on to take a closer look at the laws regarding backing out of driveways.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for legal advice. Please consult a licensed attorney in your state if you have questions or believe you have a legal situation.

Is It Illegal to Back Out of a Driveway

For the most part, it is not illegal to back out of a driveway. There are a few exceptions that we will address.

For a specific driving action to be illegal, it must be codified in state traffic laws as a prohibited maneuver. This is not the case in the United States.

More commonly, backing out of a driveway and causing an accident or close call is ticketed as reckless driving or is an infraction. So, ultimately, safe backing out of a driveway is generally not illegal, but doing so unsafely is illegal.

Some states have specific traffic provisions that state that reversing onto a road may only be done if the driver can do so without interfering with traffic.

The reversing vehicle is almost always presumed to be at fault in the United States. This means that if there is an accident, the reversing driver will likely have a ticket and to pay for the other car’s damages.

Is It Illegal To Reverse Onto A Main Road

Unless your city has a specific ordinance against it, it is not illegal to reverse onto any road, including a main road. If a road has special rules, you can expect it to be indicated with signage.

All states do require that reversing onto the roadway be done only when it is safe. Interfering with traffic or otherwise being unsafe when reversing is illegal.

The state of Washington does prohibit reversing onto a “limited access highway.” A limited access highway is one with a median, also known as a dual carriageway or expressway.

Ontario, Canada is another place with more specific laws regarding reversing onto the road. There, it is specifically illegal to reverse onto a main road.

The Ontario Highway Safety Act does limit reversing. Under the act, it is illegal to reverse onto a roadway with a speed limit of 80 kilometers per hour or higher.

Is It Illegal To Back Out Of A Driveway [Multiple States] (1)

Should You Back into Your Driveway

Backing into the driveway is preferable for many reasons, including safety. Collisions caused by motorists reversing into traffic, called backover accidents, cause about 30,000 accidents and 300 deaths each year.

Backing into the driveway makes it easier to pull out into traffic when ready to leave. This way, the driver does not have to change gears, but can rather just start driving and quickly pick up speed.

Drivers’ vision and line-of-sight will also be better when facing forward instead of looking through mirrors and over their shoulder.

In the winter, backing into the driveway makes it easier to get out in the event of snow and ice. Cars can better accelerate and gain traction when moving forward instead of backward.

Finally, backing the car into the driveway makes it easier to jump the car should the battery die.

How Far Can You Legally Reverse A Car

While you can legally reverse out of the driveway, that is not free rein to reverse as far as you want.

Most states, like Washington, specifically prohibit any reversing on a highway or freeway. Otherwise, it is usually ok to reverse as long as it is “safe and necessary.”

This means that it would not pose a risk to other drivers, so the road must be empty or have a lane closed for a reversal. It also must be necessary, such as due to a breakdown.

For example, it will likely be ok to reverse a car back to a turn off on a side road if there is nowhere safe to pull over. To do so, you may need to call law enforcement to put up traffic cones.

Always remember, that when you are on the road, reversing should only be done for extreme necessity. Missing your exit is not a necessity.

Reversing a car down a busy street or highway is highly dangerous, both to you and other drivers. If you think it is necessary, it would be smart to call law enforcement first.

Is It Illegal To Back Out Of A Driveway [Multiple States] (2)

Is It Illegal To Back Out Of A Driveway In Connecticut

In Connecticut, it is not illegal to back out of a driveway. However, drivers must yield to any oncoming traffic when reversing onto the roadway.

Specifically, Connecticut law states that any reversing may not interfere with traffic. Impeding traffic or being otherwise unsafe while reversing is a traffic infraction.

Is It Illegal To Back Out Of A Driveway In New York State

New York also permits backing out of driveways, providing it is done so with safety and caution. Just like in Connecticut, a motorist backing onto the roadway must yield to any oncoming traffic.

Backing into the roadway and causing an accident will put the reversing driver at fault. This means that the driver, or their insurance, will be responsible for the damages.

Is It Illegal To Back Out Of A Driveway In Massachusetts

In Massachusetts, drivers reversing into the roadway are presumed to be at fault if an accident occurs. So, while it is not illegal to back out of a driveway, the burden is definitely on the reversing vehicle to do so safely.

Keep in mind that oncoming traffic is not required to yield to a reversing car, even if the driveway is blind.

Is It Illegal To Back Out Of A Driveway In Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania law requires that anyone reversing onto the roadway do so safely and without interfering with traffic. Drivers must also yield to any pedestrian.

Failing to reverse with caution is a moving violation. This means that the driver can receive fines and demerits on their driving record.

Is It Illegal To Back Out Of A Driveway In New Zealand

Just like in the United States, New Zealand requires that any drivers backing onto the road do so safely. Drivers may not impede traffic and must yield to any pedestrians.

When an accident involves a reversing car, the reversing motorist is usually at fault in New Zealand.

New Zealand has recently experienced many child deaths due to children being ran over by reversing vehicles. As such, the government is encouraging drivers to back into their driveways.

Is It Illegal To Reverse Out Of Your Driveway In Victoria

Victoria does not have a law that specifically forbids reversing onto the road. Like all places, the reversing driver will likely be at fault if an accident occurs.

Drivers may not impede traffic when reversing onto the roadway. They must also yield to pedestrians.

Is It Illegal To Back Out Of A Driveway [Multiple States] (3)

Why Backing Into The Driveway Is Safer Than Into The Road

If a driver reverses into the driveway, they must still slow traffic and go into reverse. You may wonder how that is any safer than just backing onto the road.

First, every state gives the right of way to oncoming traffic. That means that vehicles, that may be going very fast, are not obligated to slow.

This puts both the oncoming and reversing vehicles at risk for not only an accident, but a very bad one. By reversing into the driveway, you can remove this scary power imbalance.

Instead of risking being hit by oncoming traffic, you can be oncoming traffic. This way, the driver preparing to reverse into the driveway can control the speed of traffic.

If possible, the driver who wants to reverse into the driveway should signal and pull onto the shoulder. Then, allow any cars behind you to pass.

After any cars have passed, reverse into the driveway. If there is no shoulder to pull onto, be sure to signal and slow well in advance to avoid a chain reaction accident.

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Drivers reversing out of a driveway should always use caution. It is the reversing driver’s responsibility to avoid impeding traffic and ensuring that the maneuver is safe.

Nearly everywhere, the reversing driver is considered at fault if there is an accident. They must be sure to yield to both traffic and pedestrians.

Ontario drivers should be particularly careful about backing onto higher-speed roadways. Doing so is against the Ontario Highway Safety Act.

Is It Illegal To Back Out Of A Driveway [Multiple States] (4)

Keren Tayler

My name is Keren Tayler. I am a stay-at-home mama to three lovely girls, Sarah + Rachel + Hannah. Prior to becoming a mom, I had a successful career in the accounting field, steps away from becoming a CPA. I decided to give up on my career in order to raise my own kids (as opposed to letting a nanny do it, no judgment here :)) I learned a lot and I love sharing it with other moms. Along the way, I also became a Certified Food Handler.

Is It Illegal To Back Out Of A Driveway [Multiple States] (2024)


Can you back out of a driveway in NY State? ›

Is It Illegal to Back Out of a Driveway in New York State? According to, New York permits backing out of driveways. That's providing it is done so with safety and caution. Just like in Connecticut, a motorist backing onto the roadway must yield to any oncoming traffic."

Is it illegal to back out of a driveway in Maine? ›

Maine state law does prohibit drivers from backing up on highways, which is understandable as it could lead to a bad accident. However, this law does not apply to your private driveway. Remember to continue to drive responsibility to ensure that you aren't endangering you or other drivers.

Is it illegal to start backing up a vehicle until you can safely do so? ›

No person shall start a vehicle stopped, standing, or parked on a highway, nor shall any person back a vehicle on a highway until such movement can be made with reasonable safety. Enacted by Stats. 1959, Ch. 3.

Is turning around in someone's driveway trespassing? ›

Sometimes, people need a safe place to turn around and they may not be allowed to make a U-turn. Technically it is trespass.

What are the driveway laws in NY? ›

Driveways shall provide a minimum unobstructed width of 12 feet (3658 mm) and a minimum unobstructed height of 13 feet, 6 inches (4115 mm).

What is the statute of improper backing in NY? ›

(a) The driver of a vehicle shall not back the same unless such movement can be made with safety and without interfering with other traffic.

Is it illegal to back out of your driveway in Tennessee? ›

Code § 55-8-163. The driver of a vehicle shall not back the vehicle unless that movement can be made with reasonable safety and without interfering with other traffic.

Is it illegal to back out of your driveway in Pennsylvania? ›

§ 3702. Section 3702 - Limitations on backing (a) General rule. --No driver shall back a vehicle unless the movement can be made with safety and without interfering with other traffic and then only after yielding the right-of-way to moving traffic and pedestrians.

Is it illegal to back out of your driveway in Rhode Island? ›

Rhode Island's traffic law requires drivers who are reversing out of driveways and parking spaces to wait until it is clear to back out.

What should you never do when backing up? ›

Do not depend on mirrors alone when backing. One loses depth perception when using the mirrors to guide the vehicle while backing. Since it is more difficult to maintain steering control and vehicle balance when the vehicle is in reverse, always back at slow speeds.

Is backing up on the street illegal? ›

Yes, it's perfectly legal. The reverse movement of a car is controlled by CVC 22106. In pertinent part, it states as follows: “No person shall . . . . back a vehicle on a highway until such movement can be made with reasonable safety.” A highway also includes a street in a residential neighborhood.

What if you cause a backup of cars behind you? ›

If vehicles are piled up behind you, pull over and let them pass when it is safe to do so. Check your rearview mirrors every few seconds to keep track of the approaching traffic. Make sure other drivers see you.

How do I stop my neighbor from turning around my driveway? ›

Hang a Chain Across your Driveway

Similar to installing a barrier or putting up cones, a chain will also prevent neighbors from turning on your driveway.

Is it legal to turn around in a parking lot? ›

In most areas, parking lots are private property and aren't subject to city, state, or federal driving laws. Unless there is a sign restricting U-turns, you should be OK.

What is the penal code 30.05 in Texas? ›

According to Texas Penal Code 30.05, criminal trespassing is the act of knowingly entering private property without the consent of the owner. Typically these properties have a sign that forbids entry or the individual is asked to leave the property by one of its residents.

What is considered blocking a driveway NY? ›

You are blocking a driveway if you park a car in such a way that you restrict access to it, either partially or completely, preventing a car from entering or departing it without causing damage to the vehicle.

Is it illegal to block a driveway in NY? ›

Well, Pierre Paul Driving School states that in New York state, it certainly is illegal to park in front of a public or private driveway unless you are the owner or tenant of the residence.

Can you park in front of your own driveway in NY? ›

In New York, it is illegal to park in front of a driveway, whether it's public or private. This will land you a parking ticket, and your car will be towed. However, you can park in front of a driveway if you are the building's owner or tenant in that building with the driveway.

Can I keep an unregistered car in my driveway in New York State? ›

One unregistered vehicle may be legally stored on a residential property. It can be parked in a driveway. A junk vehicle is unregistered and rusted, wrecked, discarded, dismantled, inoperative, and not intended for use on public roadways. A car being reconditioned is not considered junk.

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